Power Talks brand identity
Power Talks is a space created in 2019 by Goethe-Institut South Africa and the African Centre for Cities, for conversations about power in the creative and cultural sectors in South Africa. A multidisciplinary, multi-site programme in Gqeberha & Bhisho, Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg; which allows for a disruption of the performativity of critical debate that often skirts dissensus and discomfort in the dissection of power.
Photography: @abolova .

The wordmark letterforms are derived from dissected Euro ‘€’ and Pound sign ‘£’. The use of typeface reference implies power, economically they (£ €) are both stronger than the Rand. However in the design process we intentionally distorted and dissected the £ € signs in an effect to hide the essence of the currencies.
This was a way of showing how some this power is hidden from sight.