D&AD New Blood Awards: ADOBE BRIEF
" Dig deep into your hard-won wisdom and life lessons, and celebrate them through illustration or photography. Identify the advice you’d like to give, and create a series of 3 posters or prints to visually bring your insights to life. Can you communicate wisdom without • words? They say a picture’s worth a thousand. Create images that pack a punch and get to the core of the heartfelt advice • you’re trying to express. Though this is all about craft, so you can incorporate lettering if that’s your illustrative style."
I have learnt that there is something great about the spirituality of Black people. It's one of those things that you cannot explain but is evidently present. The following posters depict the beauty of being black as well as the different spiritual realms that make up my world. One I have been brought up with and one that I have been forbidden to explore. I hope that these posters will inspire black women to love themselves the way they are because they are greatness.
You belong to greatness.
It’s in the way your body echoes nature,
Your grounded spirit
Rooted beneath the earth you walk on.
Your heart, mind and soul radiate your majesty
So take a breath.
Inhale the wealth you inherited from birth
Exhale the joy, chanting and ululation from the ancestors who have guided you
Make it sound loud, royal and free.
Because unto us a daughter is born.
A child. A wonderfully created “she”.
And she is magic, she will be called messiah.

I saw god and she was a black woman with curves.

Two types of spiritual. Then me.

And she is magic, she will be called messiah.