Magazine of the taz Panter Foundation
African-European reflections
A 56-page magazine created as a result of the taz Panter Foundation workshop “Access - Connecting in Times of the Pandemic” with articles by 16 journalists (12 women, 4 men) from 15 different African countries (Algeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe). The visual language was inspired by African fabrics, which some of them are of Dutch and Scottish origin. These fabrics have become part of the culture across Afrika, and was the perfect inspiration for a magazine looking into the African - European reflection.
Client / Klient: taz Panter Foundation
Art direction / Kunstrichtung: Mam'Gobozi Design Factory
Illustrations/ Illustrationen: Lomedy Mhako
Graphic design / Grafik-Design: Sonja Trabandt
Research infographics / Recherche infografiken: Ruth Fuentes, Brigitte Marquardt
Photo editing / Fotoredaktion: Karoline Bofinger